2. GCTA BESD file

The BESD file is a binary file format used in GCTA, OSCA, and SMR to store GWAS analysis results. It must be accompanied by the .epi and .esi files when used.

2.1. .epi file

The .epi file is a plaintext file where every line represents an entry of information for a phenotype. Therefore, the number of lines in the .epi file is equal to the number of phenotypes.

FLML description

[%file]"](dsp="epi file"; filetype="plaintext"; encode="ascii"; role="main")

    [1]<string; ="[0-9XYMT]+">(dsp="chromosome number", type="string", value-dsp="number or X, Y, MT and so on"; re=$TRUE)
    [1]<string; ="[0-9a-zA-Z_]+">(dsp="variant ID", datatype="string"; re=$TRUE)
    [1]<string>(dsp="physical position", datatype="float")
    [1]<string>(dsp="base position", datatype="int")
    [1]<string>(dsp="orientation", value-dsp="+ or -")

    [1]<char; ='\n'>

2.2. .esi file

.esi file is used to record information of variants.

FLML description

[%file]<>(dsp="esi file"; filetype="plaintext"; encode="ascii"; role="main")

    [1]<string>(dsp="chromosome"; value-dsp="a number, X, Y or MT and so on")
    [1]<string>(dsp="physical position"; datatype="float")
    [1]<string>(dsp="base position"; datatype="unsigned integer")
    [1]<string>(dsp="reference allel")
    [1]<string>(dsp="alternertive allel")
    [1]<string>(dsp="minor allel frequency"; datatype="float")

    [1] <char; ='\n')

2.3. .besd file

There kinds of file format of besd file. First is Dense file type, and second is sparse file type.


Defined C macros for besd file format.

  • Dense

#define DENSE_FULL 0
#define DENSE_BELT 1
#define OSCA_DENSE_1 4 // 0x00000004: RESERVEDUNITS*ints  + floats  :  <beta, se> for each SNP across all the probes are adjacent.
#define SMR_DENSE_1 0 // 0x00000000 + floats  : beta values (followed by se values) for each probe across all the snps are adjacent.
#define SMR_DENSE_3 5  // RESERVEDUNITS*ints + floats (indicator+samplesize+snpnumber+probenumber+ 12*-9s + values) [SMR default and OSCA default]
  • Sparse

#define SPARSE_FULL 2
#define SPARSE_BELT 3
#define OSCA_SPARSE_1 1 // 0x00000001: RESERVEDUNITS*ints + uint64_t  + uint64_ts + uint32_ts + floats: value number + (half uint64_ts and half uint32_ts of SMR_SPARSE_3) [OSCA default]
#define SMR_SPARSE_3F 0x40400000 // 0x40400000: uint32_t + uint64_t + uint64_ts + uint32_ts + floats
#define SMR_SPARSE_3 3 // RESERVEDUNITS*ints + uint64_t + uint64_ts + uint32_ts + floats (indicator+samplesize+snpnumber+probenumber+ 6*-9s +valnumber+cols+rowids+betases) [SMR default]

sparse and dense file formate | SMR_SPARSE_3 SPARSE_BELT & SMR_DENSE_3

[%file] (dsp="besd file", endianness="little", filetype="binary"; role="main")
[%let $epi_fname = @CMDARGS[1]]
[%let $esi_fname = @CMDARGS[2]]
[%file $epi_file $epi_fname] (dsp="epi file"; filetype="plaintext"; role="company")
[%file $esi_file $esi_fname] (dsp="esi file"; filetype="plaintext"; role="company")

[%let $epi_len = $filelinenum($epi_file)]
[%let $esi_len = $filelinenum($esi_file)]
[%let @epiorder = $getorder($epi_file)]
[%let @esiorder = $getorder($esi_file)]

[1] <int32; $file_format; ={3, 5}> (dsp="besd file format"; value={3: "sparse", 5: "dense"})
[1] <int32> (dsp="sample number"; NA=-9)
[1] <int32; $esi_num> (dsp="number of variants")
[%assert $esi_num == $esi_len]
[1] <int32; $epi_num> (dsp="number of probe")
[%assert $epi_num == $epi_len]
[12] <int32; =-9> (dsp="conserved for future use")

[%if $file_format == 5] {

    [$epi_num] {
        [$esi_num] <float> (dsp="beta values of a probe"; alignwith=@esiorder)
        [$esi_num] <float> (dsp="se values of a probe"; alignwith=@esiorder)
    } (alignwith@epiorder)

} (dsp="data stored using dense format")

[%if $file_format == 3] {

    [%let $value_num_count = 0]
    [1] <uint64; =:$value_num_count> (dsp="the number of values, include beta and se")
    [%let @offsets = []]
    [1] <uint64; =0; :@offsets> (dsp="frist value of offset")

    [$epi_num] {
        [1] <uint64; $offset_beta> (dsp="totall offset of beta data")
        [%let $beta_dt_len = $offset_beta - @offsets[-1]](dsp="this is the beta data number of this probe")
        [$append(@offsets, $offset_beta)]
        [$value_num_count += $beta_dt_len]
        [1] <uint64; $offset_se> (dsp="total offset of se data")
        [%let $se_dt_len = $offset_se - @offsets[-1]] (dsp="se data number")
        [$append(@offsets, $offset_se)]
        [$value_num_count += $se_dt_len]
        [%assert $beta_dt_len == $se_dt_len]
    } (dsp="data offset of each probe"; alignwith=@epiorder)
    [%assert $value_num_count == @offsets[-1]]

    [%let @all_index_order]
    [$epi_num; ~$i] {
        [@offsets[$i * 2 + 1] - @offsets[$i * 2]; ^@beta_order]     <uint32; @beta_index> (dsp="index of beta"; value-alignwith=@esiorder)
        [@offsets[$i * 2 + 2] - @offsets[$i + 2 + 1]; ^@se_order]   <uint32; @se_index> (dsp="index of se"; value-alignwith=@esiorder)
        [$append(@all_index_order, @beta_order); $append(@all_index_order, @se_order)]
    } (dsp="beta and se data indexs"; alignwith=@epiorder)

    [$epi_num; ~$j] {
        [@offsets[$i * 2 + 1] - @offsets[$i * 2]]     <float> (dsp="beta values of this probe"; alignwith=@all_index_order[$j * 2])
        [@offsets[$i * 2 + 2] - @offsets[$i + 2 + 1]] <float> (dsp="se values of this probe"; alignwith=@all_index_order[$j * 2 + 1])

    } (dsp="beta and se data blocks")

} (dsp="data stored using sparse format")

[%else] {

    [%error "file format not recognized"]

2.4. BESD version 2

This is a new version may adepted in future

[%file](dsp="besd file version 2"; endianness="little"; filetype="binary"; role="main")

[4] <char; =["b", "e", "s", "d"]> (dsp="besd magic number")
[1] <uint32> (dsp="BESD file format version")

[32] <byte> (dsp="store sha256 sum of following data")
[1] <char; ={13, 14}; $file_type> (dsp="besd file type"; value="13 for new sparse version, 14 for new dense version")
[1] <uint64; $probe_num> (dsp="probe number")
[1] <uint64; $vari_num> (dsp="variants number")
[1] <uint64> (dsp="individual number"; NA=0)

[1] {
    [1] <bit; $probeinfo_flg> (dsp="flag for probe information"; value="0 for probe information not stored by this file, 1 stored")
    [1] <bit; $variantinfo_flg> (dsp="flag for vairant information"; value="0 for variants information is not stored, 1 stored")
    [2] <bit; $compress_flg> (dsp="flag for compression"; value="0 for not compressed, 1 for zlib compressed, other value is rested for future")
    [4] <bit; =[0, 0, 0, 0]> (dsp="conserved")
} (dsp="flags")

[%if probeinfo_flg == 1] {
    [$probe_num; ^@probe_order] {
        [5]<uint16; :@probe_str_len> (dsp="the length of probe information in char")
        [@probe_str_len] <char> (dsp="information string of probe")
[%else] {
    [%file $probe_file "probe text file"]
    [%let $probe_file_len = $getlinelen($probe_file)]
    [%assert $probe_file_len == $probe_num]
    [%let @probe_order = $getorder($probe_file)]

[%if variantinfo_flg == 1] {
    [$vari_num; ^@vair_order] {
        [7] <uint16; :@vari_str_len> (dsp="the length of eahc field")
        [@vari_str_len] <char> (dsp="vairant information")
[%else] {
    [%file $variant_file "variant information file"]
    [%let $variant_file_len = $getlinelen($variant_file)]
    [%assert $variant_file_len == $vari_num]
    [%let @vair_order = $getorder($variant_file)]

[%if file_type == 13] {

    [%if $compress_flg == 0] {
        [$probe_num] {
            [1] <uint32; :$vari_num_each> (dsp="vairant number of this probe")
            [$vari_num_each] <uint32> (dsp="index of vairatn", alignwith="vair_order")
            [$vari_num_each] <float> (dsp="beta data")
            [$vari_num_each] <float> (dsp="se data")

    [%else] {
        [$probe_num] {

            [1] <uint32; :$vari_num_probe> (dsp="variant number of this probe")
            [1] <uint32; :$data_size_probe> (dsp="data size of this probe")
            [%let $actual_vari_num_probe = 0]
            [%let $actual_size_probe = 0]
            [$?] {
                [1] {
                    [1] <uint16; :$vari_num_block; :+$actual_vari_num_probe> (dsp="vairant number of this block")
                    [1] <uint16; :$compressed_len> (dsp="data size in byte compressed")
                    [1] <uint16> (dsp="data size in byte decompressed")
                    [$compressed_len] <byte; :@compressed_data> (dsp="compressed data")
                    [$actual_size_probe += 6 + $compressed_len]
                    [%let @decompressed_data = $decompress_fuction($compressed_data)]
                    [%parse @decompressed_data] {
                        [$vari_num_block] <int> (dsp="variant index of this block", alignwith="@vair_order")
                        [$vari_num_block] <float> (dsp="beta data of this block")
                        [$vari_num_block] <float> (dsp="se data of this block")

                    [%assert $actual_vari_num_probe == $vari_num_probe]
                    [%assert $actual_size_probe == $data_size_probe]

        } (dsp="beta se data"; alignwith="@probe_order")

[%if file_format == 14] {

    [%if $compress_flg == 0] {
        [$probe_num] {
            [$vari_num] <float> (dsp="beta data", alignwith="@vair_order")
            [$vari_num] <float> (dsp="se data", alignwith="@vair_order")

        } (dsp="probe beta and se data", alignwith="@probe_order")

    [%else] {
        [$probe_num] {
            [1] <uint32; :$each_probe_data_len> (dsp="beta, se data storage length of one probe")
            [%let $acture_len = 0]
            [%let $acture_vari_num = 0]
            [$?] {
                [1] <uint16; :+acture_vari_num; :$vari_num_block> (dsp="contained variant number of this compressed block")
                [1] <uint16; :$compressed_len> (dsp="size in byte after compressed")
                [1] <uint16> (dsp="size in byte decompressed")
                [$acture_len += 6 + $compressed_len]
                [$compressed_len] <byte; :@compressed_data> (dsp="compressed data")

                [%let @decompressed_data = $decompress_fuction(@compressed_data)] <> (dsp="decompress the data")
                [%parse @decompressed_data] {
                    [$vari_num_block] <float> (dsp="beta data")
                    [$vari_num_block] <float> (dsp="se data")
                } (dsp="the layout of decompressed data")

            } (alignwith="@vair_order")

            [%assert $acture_len == $each_probe_data_len]
            [%assert $acture_vari_num == $value_num]

        } (dsp="beta and se data"; alignwith="@probe_order")